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2014 Special Issue Call for Papers

admin │ 2018-09-02



Patterns, Rhythms, Movements: East Asian Perspectives in Cultural Geography

A Special Issue of Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context

We invite submissions of full-length research papers, shorter analytical essays, reflective photo-essays, ethnographic and auto-ethnographic reports or reviews on the widely conceived theme of “Patterns, Rhythms, Movements: East-Asian Perspectives in Cultural Geography” for the Winter 2015 issue. The volume will accommodate a wide, multi-faceted exploration of the analytical and political ramifications of the spatial turn that informs and changes research agendas. We hope to receive contributions tackling problems across regions, cultures, and across senses (ranging from haptic to visual and from olfactory to gustative dimensions of spatial formations and dispositifs):


Spatial analyses of historical and contemporary Asian cultural sites and landscapes, settlements and habitats, either tangible or digital.


Theoretically-informed work in Asian historical or contemporary philosophical topology and spatial ideation (examples can range from ancient cosmology, geomancy and traditional architectural theory to the cultural analysis of contemporary built environments.)

The politics of space and place (environmentalism, “urban reclamation” movements and “occupy” movements and their potential and reality in the wider Asian intellectual context.)

Phenomenological and non-representational work concerning problems of movements and standing (stasis), patterns of velocity and slowness, virtuality and materiality.

Ethnographic, auto-ethnographic or descriptive work on gendered, generational, religious or class-related spaces and places.

Descriptions of Panoptic and Synoptic regimes and “societies of control” in the Asian Context.

Accounts of the liminal spaces and places, heterotopias, heterochronies and non-places.

Please e-mail abstracts (300 words maximum), full texts or other suitable material to Aljosa Puzar (Underwood International College, Yonsei University, aljosa.puzar@gmail.com) by August 31 2014.

cfp categories: cultural studies; cultural geography; spatial turn, Asia, space; place; politics, topologies, spatial phenomenologies.

이전글 2014 Special Issue Call for Papers
다음글 2015 Special Issue Call for Papers